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Permits and permissions
Waste permitting
Check if you need to tell us about your waste activity
Register as a waste producer, carrier, broker or dealer
Register or renew as a waste carrier, broker or dealer
Deciding if you are a waste carrier, broker or dealer
Register or renew as a hazardous waste producer
Register as a battery producer
Register exemptions
Register or renew your waste exemptions
Register a waste electrical and electronic equipment exemption (WEEE)
Registering waste exemptions for a linear network
Apply for a waste permit
Apply for a new standard rules waste permit
Apply for a new bespoke waste permit
Change, deploy or give up a permit
Apply to transfer all or part of a waste permit
Apply to surrender (give up) all or part of a waste permit
Apply to change to, or vary, a standard rules waste permit
Apply to change to, or vary, a bespoke waste permit
Apply for deployment of a mobile plant permit
Submit a landspreading prenotification
Permit charges
Charges for waste permits
Our charging schemes
Submit waste returns
Submit your waste return
Guidance to help you comply with your environmental permit
Waste standard rules and risk assessments
Waste regulatory decisions
Depositing waste for recovery
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) guidance
Importing and exporting waste guidance
Extended producer responsibility for packaging (pEPR): information for producers, reprocessors and exporters
Requirements for release from radioactive substances regulation
Submit a CL:AIRE Code of Practice declaration
How to classify and assess waste
Mining waste
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