Results for "land contamnation"
Land contamination
Our role in managing and dealing with land contamination
Land quality offences
Available options to land quality offences we regulate
Open Access Land
An explanation of open access land, including details of how to recognise it in person and on maps.
Buying and selling land with a felling licence
A felling licence applies to the land, regardless of its owner. A felling licence stays with the land, even after it’s bought or sold.
Apply for land drainage consent
Information about applying for land drainage consent for activities on an ordinary watercourse within an Internal Drainage District (IDD)
Restrictions on Access Land
Details of the ways in which access to access land can be restricted, who is entitled to make those restrictions and how those restrictions are managed.
Apply to use land we manage
Use this service to do something on NRW land, like horse riding, filming, holding an event, foraging, surveying or education
Check if you are allowed to use land we manage
Use this service to check if you are allowed to do something on land we manage
Applying to use land we manage: prepare a map
To apply for permission to use land we manage, you will need to send us a map
Applying to use land we manage: create a risk assessment
To apply to use land we manage, you will need to create a risk assessment
- Area Statements and farmers, foresters and land managers
Develop an Environmental Management System for a permit to discharge used sheep dip to land
Suggested structure for an environmental management system for an environmental permit to discharge used sheep dip to land.
Change (vary) your permit to dispose of waste sheep dip to land
Find out how to change the permit you already have to dispose of waste sheep dip to land.
Apply for an Environmental Permit to dispose of waste sheep dip to land
Find out how to apply for a permit and charges for disposing of waste sheep dip to land.
The State of Contaminated Land in Wales April 2016
Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 places a statutory duty on the appropriate agency to produce a report on progress made in identifying and remediating contaminated land. As the new environmental body for Wales assuming this role, Natural Resources Wales has produced the first ‘Wales only’ report on progress under the Part 2A contaminated land regime.
Ensuring sustainable land management
Ensuring our land is sustainably managed for future generations.
The Countryside Code: advice for land managers
Advice for land managers to help visitors follow the Countryside Code
- Land management
Supporting sustainable land management
Working with air, land and water managers across North West Wales to promote and develop sustainable resource management contributing to the health of all life in the area.