No matter what time of year it is, there is always a great variety of wildlife to see.  To spark your learners’ interest, try out the following games and activities which will help you deliver against current curriculum and work towards the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales. 

Animals and Habitats - Activities and games

From nest building to hibernation, the 25 activities and games within the Animals and Habitats - activities and games booklet  focus on exploring how animals are adapted to their environment and what they need to live. 

Some of the activities and games require resource cards and information.  Please select from the list below.

Supporting information and resources

Activity 5: Habitat piles and stumperies (information note)

Activity 5: Animal homes - Otter holt challenge (information note)

Activity 7: Build a wormery – (information note)

Activity 7: Worms (information note)

Activity 9: Animal expert - Animal match – (resource cards)

Activity 11: What am I? Invertebrate - who am I? - (resource cards)

Activity 11: What am I? Animal - who am I? - (resource cards)

Activity 14: Web of life - (resource cards)

Activity 15: Make a food chain – (resource cards)

Activity 16: Minibeast bingo – (resource cards)

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