Plan to manage Hirnant Forest put out to public consultation by NRW

A ten-year plan to manage Hirnant Forest - to the east of Lake Vyrnwy in Powys - has been put out for public consultation by Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
The plan includes the main forest blocks of Cwmwr and Cwm Gwnen which collectively cover 257 hectares. As part of the Welsh Government Woodland Estate, Hirnant Forest is managed by NRW.
The plan being consulted on aims to achieve a number of aims including restoring ancient woodland and controlling diseased trees.
Glyn Fletcher, Senior Land Manager for NRW said:
"Every forest managed by NRW is designed to achieve a range of benefits. We want to ensure that the forest is used in such a way that benefits the local environment and habitats as well as local communities.
"We want the forests we manage to be wonderful places to visit and also to be productive woodland which supply sustainable timber and provide important rural jobs.
"This consultation gives residents in the Hirnant Forest area a chance to give their views on the plans for their local forest and to help us make sure we set and meet the right targets for the area."
A summary of the main objectives for the forest and all the draft maps are available to view on the NRW consultation hub website.
Residents can search for ‘Natural Resources Wales Forest Resource Plans’ on any internet search engine and follow the links to the Hirnant Forest Resource Plan page.
Alternatively, residents can call 0300 065 3000 and ask to speak with one of the Senior Land Management Officers responsible for the consultations. From there they will be able to send out hard copies of the documents on request.
Residents who want to send feedback by post can send it to: Natural Resources Wales, Powells Place, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7JY.
All feedback and questions will need to be returned by 5 March 2021 at the latest.