Pembroke Dock permit change consultation

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has announced that it is likely to allow Pembrokeshire County Council to change its environmental permit for a waste site at Unit 41 Pembroke Dock.
NRW has thoroughly assessed the Council’s plans to expand their waste operation and is satisfied it has demonstrated it can make the changes without impacting on the community or harming the environment.
But before it makes a final decision, NRW will start a second consultation with local people, businesses and professional partners such as Public Health Wales and Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service.
The changes to the permit include an extension to the area of land in which they store waste, and the addition of new types of waste, including paper, cardboard, metal and glass. It also reduces the processing of waste to baling only.
A second consultation will allow people the opportunity to raise any new, relevant information that they believe has not currently been considered. It will close on 18 March 2020.
Gavin Bown, Operations Manager from Natural Resources Wales said:
“Since Pembrokeshire County Council took over the site in 2018 there have been huge improvements to the way waste has been managed. What they are proposing to do now is simplify their operation by processing less on site, as it is now being sorted by residents prior to street collection.
“From our initial assessment, we are satisfied they can do this without harming the environment or people’s health. But before we proceed, we want to offer another opportunity for local people or businesses to raise any new issues they don’t think have been previously considered”.
“All comments received as part of our consultation will be considered when we come to make our final decision.”
A copy of the draft revised permit, and our decision document outlining how we have assessed the application is now available to view on our online public register.
Comments on the draft permit need to be received by 18 March 2020, to or:
Permitting Team Leader (Waste), Natural Resources Wales, Permitting Service (Cardiff), Cambria House, 29 Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 0TP.